Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Allergies

christin-hume-505815-unsplash (1)It is the time of the year where the days get shorter, the temperatures get lower, and allergies flare up! If you are like me and get seasonal allergies then you know how annoying it can be. I’m actually hitting the tail end of a seasonal allergy attack as I type this.  When I first got sick I did some research on essential oils that can help allergies. I played around a bit with mixing different oils until I found some blends I liked. I used a diffuser when I was at home to treat the symptoms but when I was at work I used my allergy oil roller. I didn’t have to take any medication!

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Learn About Your Dosha

IMG_6618“Humans have five sense organs and can therefore perceive the world in five distinct ways” -The Ancient Indian Healing Art-Scott Gerson MD

Today’s topic is about a form of medicine that I mentioned in my previous post called Ayurvedic medicine. One of the main concepts is that you base your health care off of what “dosha” you are. The information I am sharing with you below is based off of when I studied alternative medicine in college and the book Ayurveda – The Ancient Indian Healing Art by Scott Gerson MD. 

Any of the information below in quotes is cited from the book linked above.

Dosha is basically an energy inside the body that is believed to circulate all through the body. Doshas are like personality types for your body that are linked to the five basic elements within the Earth. These elements include space, air, fire, water, and earth.

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Ashwagandha- An Ayurvedic Remedy



Ayurvedic medicine is an all natural approach to preventive care and health care that focuses on the”whole” person rather than just treating a symptom or chief complaint. It was formed over 5,000 years ago and focuses on the mind, body, and spirit connection.  This form of medicine focuses on many outside factors that could also potentially be affecting your health and uses all natural remedies to treat the problem. This includes but is not limited to environment, stress levels, spirituality,  and mental health.

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