Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Allergies

christin-hume-505815-unsplash (1)It is the time of the year where the days get shorter, the temperatures get lower, and allergies flare up! If you are like me and get seasonal allergies then you know how annoying it can be. I’m actually hitting the tail end of a seasonal allergy attack as I type this.  When I first got sick I did some research on essential oils that can help allergies. I played around a bit with mixing different oils until I found some blends I liked. I used a diffuser when I was at home to treat the symptoms but when I was at work I used my allergy oil roller. I didn’t have to take any medication!

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All Natural Spirit Lifter


It’s common to have a bad day or get a case of feeling down but what do you do to solve it? Let me introduce you to ROSEMARY OIL!

Rosemary oil has been shown to enhance your mood, assist with preventing and managing depression, and can lower cortisol (stress hormone in your blood). If you wanted to, you could even apply rosemary oil to your scalp (mixed with a carrier oil) to promote healthy hair growth.

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Last Minute Homemade Gifts for the Holidays

IMG_6239It can be so hard to find good gifts for your loved ones that are thoughtful and within your budget. I usually like to purchase something small and then make a homemade gift that is unique and useful. This year I decided to make essential oil rollers, sore muscle rub, and knitted washcloths.

For the essential oil rollers I found a basic recipe for diluting essential oils from this website, purchased some rollers from amazon, and then also came up with some of my own essential oil blends.

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