After Work Yoga Flow

I’ve been trying to do more yoga regularly versus one day a week. I realized that I really enjoy doing yoga right after work to let go of everything that happened in the day to help me wind down. It is especially nice to do in the evenings to prevent soreness the next day from my lunch workout. So roll out your mat, be kind to yourself, and STRETCH but don’t forget to breathe! šŸ˜‰ If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

Yoga Flow #2

Song: Say My Name – Odesza

Please comment below if you would like me to type up all the poses I flowed through. Notice that I added a vinyasa between some poses to get my heart rate back up and to keep my body warm. My hamstrings and hips were extremely tight so I like to get sweating so they loosen up. I incorporated a lot of hip openers and hamstring stretches due to being sore from leg day + it helps contradict working a desk job and sitting for long periods of time.

How To Start A Healthy Habit (& stick to it!)

picStudies say that once you have made it to 21 days you have formed a habit; now how do you get there?

If you are considering starting a new healthy habitā€¦good news, you are halfway there! Psychologists believe that when trying to make a change in your lifeĀ  you go through a cycle called the ā€œThe stages of change,ā€ also known as the Transtheoretical model. Within the Transtheoretical model there are five different stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance- each stage is self explanatory but click here to learn more.

Quick Rundown of Stages of Change:

If you are already thinking about changing a habit then you are most likely in either the contemplation stage or the preparation stage, which are malleable stages, meaning you are motivated to change.

If you were to be in the precontemplation stage, you would not be considering a change nor would you think there is anything wrong with said behavior.

As for action, this means steps have already been taken to change the behavior and you are currently working on your end goal.

Maintenance phase is where you have achieved your goals but are actively working everyday to maintain your progress and achievements.

Now that you have an idea of the Transtheoretical model you can determine which phase you are in and tailor your goals to match that stage of change. For instance, if you are in the contemplation stage you might need a little bit more convincing and motivation in order for you to achieve your goals.

8 Tips for starting a healthy habit (or stopping a bad habit):

Continue reading “How To Start A Healthy Habit (& stick to it!)”

Bullet Journal Layout for April

Bullet journaling is a DIY planner/to-do list/journal that you can add your artistic touch to. I find bullet journaling to be the best way to keep track of pretty much all things health and a way to add some balance to my life. I set my layout for my bullet journal each month and customize it depending on what taks/goals I am working on for that month. The pictures below are for the month of April.


Continue reading “Bullet Journal Layout for April”