26 Fun Things to Do When on a Budget

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This month I have to pay my car insurance (6 months worth) & the registration for my car so I’m on a pretty tight budget. Rather than dwelling on it I wanted to make a list of all the fun cheap or free things to do while I’m saving money. Plus it helps me from stressing the F out. I think it is really important to find time as an adult to HAVE FUN! The work grind can be pretty taxing especially if you feel like you aren’t getting paid enough so it is important to maintain your self care so you don’t burn out. What do you do when you are on a budget but still want to go out and have a good time?

Continue reading “26 Fun Things to Do When on a Budget”

After Work Yoga Flow

I’ve been trying to do more yoga regularly versus one day a week. I realized that I really enjoy doing yoga right after work to let go of everything that happened in the day to help me wind down. It is especially nice to do in the evenings to prevent soreness the next day from my lunch workout. So roll out your mat, be kind to yourself, and STRETCH but don’t forget to breathe! 😉 If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

Signs of Caffeine Withdrawal + Alternatives to Coffee


Do you get really bad headaches in the morning or late afternoons and the only way to cure them is to drink some coffee or a caffeinated drink? What about feeling extremely grumpy before your first cup of joe? You might be experiencing caffeine withdrawals and these are only a few of the symptoms. Caffeine withdrawal can happen when you stop drinking caffeine abruptly or when you “crash” from the caffeine you previously drank (this can happen if you have 3+ caffeinated drinks per day).

Symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Decreased Mood
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Tremors

Continue reading “Signs of Caffeine Withdrawal + Alternatives to Coffee”

Yoga Flow #2

Song: Say My Name – Odesza

Please comment below if you would like me to type up all the poses I flowed through. Notice that I added a vinyasa between some poses to get my heart rate back up and to keep my body warm. My hamstrings and hips were extremely tight so I like to get sweating so they loosen up. I incorporated a lot of hip openers and hamstring stretches due to being sore from leg day + it helps contradict working a desk job and sitting for long periods of time.

Yoga Flow

Fun little video of my yoga flow before my phone died/got overheated. The Arizona sun is NOT one to be messed with. It was in the 80’s and yet my mat still felt like hot lava. Enjoy 🙂 Music: Black Out Days By Phantogram