Lunch Break Workout (40 Mins)

IMG_6919If you are looking to squeeze in a workout but don’t have a lot of time combo exercises (training more than one muscle group) are your new best friend!

I hit the gym on my lunch breaks at work; I have to keep things simple and effective because I only get about 40-50 minutes. Also, I don’t do that much cardio for that reason and have found weight training to more effective than cardio. Due to this reason, I lean towards incorporating combo exercises where I can feel the burn and get my heart rate up. I tend to rest for 1 – 1 1/2 mins in between sets but listen to your body if you need more or you can shorten it if you prefer less rest. 

This is one of the workouts I have planned for myself later in the week and wanted to share! Eventually, I will film or take pictures of tutorials of exercises but for right now I have linked youtube videos to each.

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